
Anime Alive Piccolo Kidnapped

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-Kimberly sits in the living room, staring out the window. Kakashi slides in with a single rose.-

Kakashi: Hello, beautiful! (Kimberly looks at him then back out the window) Aww, come on, Kimberly. What's wrong?
Kimberly: Piccolo hasn't come back, yet…
Kakashi: (sits next to her) Oh…I'm sure he'll be back…soon.
Kimberly: (turns to Kakashi) I mean, why would he just leave and not say anything?
Kakashi: (wraps and arm around her, hugging her to him) I'm sure everything is all right. He probably just needed some fresh air.
Kimberly: It takes two days to get fresh air?
Kakashi: (rests his head on her head, staring out the window) I don't know, kiddo. I just don't know.

-Not too far off, Piccolo wakes up on a fluffy pink bed. He tries to get up, but he is tied down with many heavy, iron chains.-

Piccolo: What is this?

-A girl of about 18 emerges from the shadows dressed in a seductive, dominatrix outfit.-

Piccolo: Who are you?
Girl: I'm're biggest fan.

-Piccolo looks beside him to see many stuffed toys of himself. He also sees shelves upon shelves of action figures of himself lined up in rows. Posters of him are pasted on the walls.-

Piccolo: How did I get here?
Brittney: (sits on top of him) I brought you here, silly.
Piccolo: (looks at her suspiciously) I don't remember willingly coming here.
Brittney: (runs her crop down the side of his face) That's 'cause I drugged you. It took a lot to knock you out, you sexy thing you....

-Piccolo jerks his head away, blushing a bit.-

Piccolo: Well, now I have to leave. My girlfriend will be wondering where I am.
Brittney: I'm your girlfriend now.
Piccolo: No, you're not. My girlfriend is Kimberly.
Brittney: (smacks him across the face with the crop) Not anymore.

-Piccolo glares at her.-

Piccolo: (thinks) I've gotta get out of here...and away from Ms. Biggest Fan here...I have to contact Kakashi and Kimberly. (telepathically) Kakashi! Kimberly! Can you hear me?
Kimberly: (sits bolt upright) Piccolo? (angrily) Where the hell are you? You better not be cheating on me!
Piccolo: (telepathically) On the contrary...I'm being held against my will by this psycho chick named Brittney. She has me tied down to her bed.
Kakashi: Hmm. She sounds kind of kinky. (Kimberly punches him in the arm) Oww...
Piccolo: (telepathically) I'm not in the mood for your perverted jokes, Kakashi! You two have to find a way to get me out of here. I don't know where I am. She drugged me somehow.
Kakashi: Well, how are we supposed to find you?
Piccolo: (telepathically) I don't know! Just hurry!

-Brittney slaps Piccolo's face with the crop again.-

Piccolo: Stop that!
Brittney: You know you like it, sweetheart.
Piccolo: Don't call me sweetheart.

-Kimberly paces the floor trying to think.-

Kakashi: He can't be that far off if he can get a hold of us telepathically...
Kimberly: But we can't just go door to door asking if anyone has seen a seven foot tall, green alien. People will think we're nuts.
Kakashi: If only we had a dog that could track his scent...

-They think for a minute then...-

Both: Inuyasha!

Inuyasha: Why should I help you find Pickle-head?
Kakashi: Well, we were hoping you would do it out of the goodness of your heart.
Inuyasha: Ha! That's hilarious! I suppose you would want me to fetch your newspaper every morning, too, huh?
Janice: Inuyasha, quit being so mean! Or I'll say it...
Inuyasha: Say what?
Janice: (glares) Sit, boy.

-Inuyasha's necklace glows and he hits the floor with a thud.-

Inuyasha: Oww!
Janice: Now we're going to help Kimi...or I'll say it again.
Inuyasha: Okay! Okay! I'll help!

-Everyone follows Inuyasha as he crouches low to the ground sniffing around for Piccolo's scent. He has a baseball cap on his head to cover his dog-like ears.-

Inuyasha: I can't find his scent.
Kakashi: He probably flew.
Kimberly: But he had to have landed somewhere in order for this girl to get a hold of him.
Janice: Inuyasha, can you sniff for his scent in the air?
Inuyasha: Barely.

-People give the group awkward looks as they follow Inuyasha down the street. They stop at a group of townhouses where Inuyasha crouches low to the ground suddenly.-

Kimberly: (eagerly) Did you find his scent?
Inuyasha: (sniffs) Yeah. (sniffs the ground up to a blue townhouse door then stands up) He's in here.

-Kimberly walks past with Kakashi on her heels. She rings the doorbell.-

Kakashi: Wait. (Kimberly turns to him) What are we supposed to say? "Hi. We're looking for a green Namek named Piccolo. Have you seen him?"?
Kimberly: (frustrated) I don't know, Kakashi. Maybe you or Inuyasha can sneak past or something.

-Kimberly rings the doorbell again. Upstairs, Brittney and Piccolo hear the doorbell. Piccolo smirks at Brittney.-

Piccolo: That's probably her now.
Brittney: Who?
Piccolo: My girlfriend.
Brittney: (glares) We'll just see about that.

-She climbs off Piccolo and puts a housecoat on over her outfit. She then hurries downstairs and answers the door.-

Brittney: Yes?
Kakashi: (smiles with a wave) Hi. Sorry to bother you, but we were wondering if you—
Kimberly: (shoves her way forward) Where's Piccolo?
Brittney: Who?
Kimberly: Piccolo! I know you have him. Where is he?
Brittney: (scoffs) I don't have any idea who you're talking about. (starts to close the door) You need to check yourself into the nearest insane asylum.

-Kimberly puts her hand out, preventing Brittney from closing the door.-

Kimberly: I know he's here! Let me in or let him go!
Brittney: There's no one named Piccolo in here!

-Piccolo hears them arguing downstairs.-

Piccolo: (yells) Kim! Kakashi! I'm up here!! In her bedroom!!

-Everyone looks up then back to Brittney. She panics and tries to shove the door closed. Kakashi helps Kimberly push on the door along with Janice.-

Kimberly: Let us in! Piccolo!!

-Inuyasha gives the group a helping shove, opening the door and sending everyone sprawling to the floor. Kimberly is the first up and begins to run upstairs. Brittney grabs her by the ankles making her fall. Brittney gets on top of Kimberly and starts punching her in the face.-

Brittney: You're not taking him from me!! I love him!!

-Janice runs up and starts pulling Brittney's hair. That releases Brittney's grip on Kimberly, giving Kimberly the chance to run upstairs. Kakashi runs up after her. Inuyasha separates Janice from Brittney and knocks the girl unconscious. Kimberly bursts into Brittney's bedroom seeing Piccolo chained to the bed.-

Kimberly: Piccolo!
Piccolo: (sighs in relief) Kimberly...

-Kimberly runs up to him and hugs him around his neck.-

Kimberly: I was so worried.
Piccolo: I was starting to worry myself.

-Janice and Inuyasha appear in the doorway.-

Inuyasha: (smirks) Well, green man, looks like you're in a tight spot.

-Piccolo glares at him and so does Janice-

Janice: Sit boy.

-Inuyasha hits the floor hard. Kakashi comes up and picks the lock with a kunai knife. The chains fall on the bed and onto the floor allowing Piccolo to sit up. Kimberly hugs him again as he wraps his arms around her. Piccolo looks up to Kakashi.-

Kakashi: (smiles holding out his fist) Glad to have you back, E.T.
Piccolo: (smiles then fist bumps Kakashi) Thanks for finding me, ninja dork.

Possible future chapter to my Anime Alive manga! Piccolo gets kidnapped by a crazy fan-girl!

Its up to your ratings and comments if I continue on to make this fic an actual chapter! SO PLEASE COMMENT!
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superlinkfighter's avatar
DUDE!!! you so have to make this a chapter in your story, that would be soooooo funny!!! i would be the same way if some psycho bitch kidnapped my boyfriend and it was piccolo!!!!